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Over the past few years, there has been nothing short of a technological revolution going on at work. However, the impact of automation on functions is well recognised — for example, the manufacture of goods and retail services provision. Far less attention has been given to the rapid development of artificial intelligence to carry out management functions.

A report [1] about artificial intelligence (AI) and people-management functions published in 2020 intends to raise awareness of workers’ experience when employers use artificial intelligence to carry out people-management functions. Besides, to identify objectives to ensure that workers’ interests are not overlooked in the use of AI. The idea of the project was to listen to the worker’s voice.

The report tells that 22 per cent who responded said they had the experience of using technologies for informing. They also said they had the experience of use technology for decisions about the work. The report concludes that many people don’t know what these AI-powered management tools are, how they operate, and their impact. Indeed, it is very likely that these technologies are far wider.

Large set of mini concepts of work on smartphones, tablets, managing gadgets.

What is artificial intelligence?

Many try to explain what is meant by the term artificial intelligence (AI). Most of the explanations refer to any human-like intelligence exhibited by a computer, robot, or other machines. Similarly, in popular usage, artificial intelligence (AI) refers to a computer or machine’s ability to mimic the human mind’s capabilities. And learning from examples and experience, recognizing objects, understanding and responding to language, making decisions, solving problems — and combining these and other capabilities to perform functions a human might perform.

After decades of being relegated to science fiction, today, artificial intelligence (AI) is part of our everyday lives. The surge in AI development is made possible by the sudden availability of large amounts of data. For example, the corresponding development and wide availability of computer systems can process all that data faster and more accurately than humans. Artificial intelligence (AI) is, for instance, completing our words as we type them, providing driving directions when we ask, vacuuming our floors, and recommending what we should buy or binge-watch next. And it’s driving applications—such as medical image analysis—that help skilled professionals do important work faster and with greater success [2].


Recent events have shown us that while many organizations adapted quickly, many others were caught unawares. Certainly, they were wholly unprepared for the impact that a period of disruption would have on their business. Likewise, some organizations were completely unprepared for workplace upheaval, and they don’t want to get caught off guard again [3].

There is enthusiasm around technology investments like intelligent automation. Businesses are seeing the necessity to adapt to customers and employees’ needs, especially during unexpected events. The world’s state has motivated organizations to adopt new technology and reflect on how they can better serve their customers and employees. Organizations are growing and adapting during the pandemic – so they can take on whatever comes tomorrow.


[1] Technology managing people. The worker experience, TUC (2021)

[2] Artificial Intelligence (AI).  IBM Cloud Education (2020)

[3] The future of work. New perspectives on disruption & transformation. PEGA (2020)

Recent events have shown us that while many organizations adapted quickly, many others were caught unawares.

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Lucubrate Magazine
Lucubrate Magazine

Lucubrate Magazine highlights trends in education and development. Development in this context can be technological, educational, individual, social or global, and everything related to education.
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